Friday 20 March 2009

Hello- is there anyone out there??? Let me know if there is.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend which made me wonder if there is a difference between equality for women and feminism. Any thoughts on this? I am on the fence.

Friday 6 March 2009

Having been the "victim" of a rather nasty blog I thought I would check out the whole blogging lark (have had a couple of glasses of wine and will probably lose interest very quickly). Thought I would put down a few random thoughts to see if there is anyone in cyberspace remotely interested in this one person's life. Not sure why anyone would get into the whole blogging thing unless they are somebody famous whose life might be interesting to other people. This is therefore a bit of a social experiment. I won't telll anybody I have set this up and just wait to see if anybody finds it. I would be greatful for any feedback, comments etc in the name of science.